Use "brought into this world|bring into this world" in a sentence

1. 5 synonyms for Born: brought into this world, delivered, Max Born, innate, natural

2. He brought wickedness into the world.

3. Trying to bring a little more laughter into this world

4. Even his birth, I labored a day and a half to bring him into this world.

5. I bring laughter , gaiety , and warmth into the world .

6. This wonder is what I put into the world!

7. Do you want to throw this world back into war?

8. “In that case they would be brought out of the untamed jungle of this world into God’s garden,” said Kham.

9. A life that I have neither the heart nor the right to bring into this world in sickness and sadness.

10. I don't think you want this going out into the world.

11. It's very much like they brought into this world the reflex that orients them to people, but it has no traction.

12. Jehovah had brought his people into this situation.

13. We can invite Awakers into this world with soulstones after a magical ritual.

14. Step two pulled the trappings of the outside reality into this virtual world.

15. Every child comes into this world with a unique set of innate characteristics.

16. Proving perhaps that falsehood could bring its own loy however temporarily into the world.

17. That my choices brought this violence into our home.

18. It was the rise in world crude prices which brought energy conservation seriously into view.

19. Alone no more, compounded for ever, helplessly hooked into this world, I relinquished unity.

20. As we move into an increasingly non - western world, this will become blindingly obvious.

21. Come out unclothed, just as you came into this world... and reclaim your freedom.

22. This financial crisis has brought new factors into play.

23. Earlier in this century, the whole world suffered when Adolf Hitler and his party followers plunged the world into a holocaust.

24. This new method was brought into existence in the fiftieth.

25. It was to be trampled on by men that I was born into this world.

26. Hu Tai , this unfamiliar algae, so intruded into world of green jade aquamarine blue day.

27. This summer he should break through the 000 points mark into truly world class territory.

28. In this panoramic video, we've transformed the world -- which is in this case Sussex campus -- into a psychedelic playground.

29. Accelerate into the real world

30. Composer George Gershwin brought jazz into the world of classical music with pieces like "Rhapsody in Blue."

31. 7 Each decade of this 20th century has seen the world sink more deeply into wickedness.

32. The eye looks beyond this world into the next and sees the reflection of man himself.

33. "An ignorance which Benights the political world and disputes the first principles of administration is requisite to bring this position for a moment into " 2

34. He retreated into his own world.

35. 14 This hair style was Brought into vogue By Hollywood stars.

36. Using maps, photos, unique illustrations, and an animated CD, this book provides a detailed overview of the surprise attack that brought the United States into World War II.

37. (b) Can the United Nations bring an end to the arming of this world?

38. They were brought into Cyberspace, a digital universe, in order to protect the world from the villain Hacker

39. Adeptionsamazing platform focused on developing the leaders we need in this world and turning knowing into doing

40. I think this is important because media, all media, provide us a window back into our world.

41. This sword is the trick he made into “One Sword Asundering World Talisman” a thousand years ago.

42. It will be even more so when we leave this life and enter into the spirit world.

43. More recently, this was made into a luxury hotel for the top brass of the Communist world.

44. Computers are now being brought into this profession to perform repetitive tasks.

45. 22 This is a world history brought down to the end of the twentieth century.

46. When did the world come into being?

47. Prepare for Deliverance Into a New World

48. He retreated into a world of fantasy.

49. As we start entering into the algebratic world - ( And you probably have seen this a little bit already. )

50. This guy can hijack random desktops all around the world, turn them into zombies that do his bidding.

51. Numbering into the millions today, they cherish the hope of surviving the coming destruction of this wicked world.

52. We think we know it all now, and banish our far-flung ideas from this world into Space.

53. And in fact, bringing science into the investing world has improved that world.

54. This rule was brought into being because the old law was abused.

55. This “acute acceleration of the historical process” has suddenly brought the world to a turning point.

56. This includes the thought of being brought into a much better, happier condition.

57. Out of this world.

58. 21 And before that he had brought her back from the world, home again into the enclave of the Scarabae.

59. 1914-1918 C.E. During World War I, Anglo-American World Power comes into being

60. BRING beauty and order into my for- lorn life, woman, as you brought them into my house when you lived.

61. They have turned the world of industrial capitalism into a world of finance capitalism.

62. “For this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth.” —John 18:37.

63. This insight into the ethics of international trade comes from the Geneva-based World Economic Forum, a research organization.

64. Whenthe world gets into new age, this kind of international wrangle will last long-lastingly, complicatedly and even fiercely.

65. But God’s Kingdom will soon bring an end to this politically fragmented world. —Daniel 2:44.

66. We have been pulled from the dangerous “waters” of this wicked world into the “lifeboat” of Jehovah’s earthly organization.

67. These have turned the world into one neighborhood.

68. The result of all this has been to throw the world of Cereology into a state of total confusion

69. My whole world shattered into a million pieces.

70. When one dreams of emBroidering they are focusing intently on trying to bring a more utilitarian perspective into their world

71. This activity brought her into contact with other intellectuals sympathetic to free-market capitalism.

72. Aryn brought death in the world

73. You are from this world; I am not from this world.” —John 8:21-23.

74. This case has brought the problem of drug abuse in schools into sharp focus.

75. The great crowd will carry old-world disabilities and infirmities over into the new world.

76. 11 This insight into the ethics of international trade comes from the Geneva-based World Economic Forum, a research organization.

77. My first autumn design to be released into the world this August was Barbicel in Pom Pom Quarterly's Issue 22

78. Atheism is virtually unknown in pagan and rural societies, but this new rationalism will usher it into the modern world.

79. Nothing's free in this world.

80. This is a dynamic world.